Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Menu-Plan Monday (on Wednesday)

One of my dearest life-long friends, Stephanie, visited us this week--in fact, she just left.I didn't take time to post my menu plan (and also, come to think of it, didn't actually have a connection to the internet until Tuesday), but I did have one... and here it is.

Crock Pot Western-Style Ribs
Baked Potatoes
Corn on the Cob

(Steph and I ate out, but on Monday I also made some Chicken Salad, so maybe they ate that? They're still thriving, so they must have taken some nourishment, but I took the night off, so I'm not going to worry about it...)

Tacos/Taco Salad
Yellow Rice
Black Beans

Sweet and Sour Meatballs
Basmati Rice
Pan-fried Green Beans with Sesame

Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad with peas
Steamed Broccoli

Leftovers, etc. The guys will work on Friday instead of Saturday this week, so I won't actually have to cook on Saturday! We will just be raiding the fridge for scraps...

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